Rene Guenon and Modern Medicine



According to counter-initiatic agent, Klaus Schwab, in order to go about your "ordinary life", you will need to get injected with a strange substance, even though you are in good health, between 5 to 7 times per year and in some cases, 10 times per year. In ten years, that would mean you would have been injected between 50 times on the low end and 100 times on the high end. Are you really going to line yourself up like cattle, to get injected 50-100 times with a substance that you do not even understand?

In his battle with arthritis, Guenon was offered, on more than one occasion, different modern medicines that would ease his pain. He refused them each time, also stating that traditional medicines made from things like snake venom could not help him either, since, given a partial projection of his inner spiritual realization, venomous substances had zero effect on him, positive or negative. Guenon could obviously have greatly benefited from taking up traditional Hatha-Yoga, since it would at least help him build up his innate resistance to disease via nadhi-shuddhi, a harmonious normalization of his entire pranic activity. Of course, given his biases against anything to do with the "external", he also refused to go into this practice. Thus, plagued by so many illnesses and complications, along with a terrible chain-smoking habit, Guenon died prematurely, having left many things he wanted unattended to.

Guenon would definitely try to resist the forced global vaccinations, whose real effect, especially given their regularity (5-10 times per year eventually) probably has something to do with undoing the knots of solidification and ushering in even greater dissolution so that this world and the one beneath it blend in an unnatural way. I touched a little bit on that here. This is akin to some strange wizard forcing his strange, unexplained elixir on an entire kingdom. But what will the Guenonians do, given this predicament that is clearly being used to lay down the foundations for a global counter-traditional empire, step by step? Their point of stability in the cosmos, their body, their instrument through which they perform their rites and rituals is being threatened and without it, they aren't really human anymore. Will they just state, like their idol, that this world is an illusion anyways so it doesn't matter what happens?

The governments of today have access to military technology whose precision and destructive power on a material level are akin to those of a mighty deva or asura, simulating a sort of pseudo-omnipotence. Not only that, but their surveillance and tracing systems simulate, once again, materially, a pseudo-omniscience and pseudo-omnipresence. The possibilities of space and time are both increasingly being devoured by them, leaving everyone else with almost nothing. Most people, as helpless insects, therefore increasingly acquiesce to a tyranny that will be impossible to break away from once fully established. This being the case, what will the Guenonians and other traditional-derivatives do? Will they continue to try and live an "invisible life", while being assaulted and seeing those they may have ties to in this world, suffer the same miserable fate? Bowing down in traditional eras, to manipulative priesthoods, whose biases ultimately brought about destruction, bowing down, in modern eras, to governments that are under counter-initiatic control, just bowing down to everything, all the while asserting with a big smile on their face, that this world is just an illusion, so it doesn't matter in the end. Some of them, such as the insufferable Charles Upton, declared that the pandemic is a gift from his Allah and that we should welcome it as chastisement for our "sins", ever eager to please and bow down to some angry external entity while paradoxically claiming to be an esoterist worth listening to!

In all this, as the situation worsens implicitly and explicitly (though at this point, mostly explicitly),  those who at some point will want to resist ought not only to develop themselves internally, but ought to radiate that internal development to the external once again, unapologetically severing the conditional bonds of prior eras, as well as those of the present era, rising up as something that is captured by neither (the destruction of all bonds to the point of absolute autonomy is a central aspect of the Tantra, interestingly enough). Rising up, as Universal Man. Barring this, their resistance, whatever form it may take, is doomed before it even begins.


  1. Purusha can see but is lame and cannot walk. Prakriti is blind but can move. Prakriti carries Purusha on her shoulders and Purusha tells her where to go. The image you used in the article shows why Guenon was very imbalanced. He could see, but could not stand and move, in the literal sense and also figuratively, in the affairs that he was interested in.

    1. Very astute observation. Though it's also better to transcend Purusha-Prakriti, their common principle, Parabindu and everything else and to direct oneself to ParamaShiwa who is Universal Man. From there, descending downwards, an "imprint" of that transcendence permeates one's entire cosmic expression, formless->subtle form->gross form->infra-subtle form and that is completely invigourating. See my prior article for more on this.

  2. Not only will "booster shots" be a requirement, pills that intentionally cause "genetic mutation", such as Merck's "revolutionary" COVID drug molnupiravir, will be spread around the planet. Most people will obviously opt to take these pills, since they delude themselves into believing that the pills are "less invasive" than an injection. Regardless of the means of intrusion, the effect is the same: the world-wide manipulation of the psycho-physiological make up of the human being. Here is an excerpt of how this pill works and what it does to the human mind-body:

    " Some scientists who have studied the drug warn, however, that the method it uses to kill the virus that causes Covid-19 carries potential dangers that could limit the drug’s usefulness.

    Molnupiravir works by incorporating itself into the genetic material of the virus, and then causing a huge number of mutations as the virus replicates, effectively killing it. In some lab tests, the drug has also shown the ability to integrate into the genetic material of mammalian cells, causing mutations as those cells replicate.

    If that were to happen in the cells of a patient being treated with molnupiravir, it could theoretically lead to cancer or birth defects."

    At this point, there is no denying what is going on. Didn't Guenon himself warn that one attribute of the counter-traditional empire, would be the ubiquity of all that is artificial? The lie is artificial and this lie seeks to encompass everything, including all the cells in your body, the point at which matter is de-materialized before entering the subtle domain and also, a portion of your mind, incapacitating it and disabling you from transcending these lower limits. Will you even be human anymore, once you are pumped full of all these artificial substances by force?

    All the signs of the times are here...

  3. I just want to say that Rene was attacked by sorcerers and that's why he got sick at the end of his life. But I agree that he left many things unfinished like his lodge in France when he suddenly died.

    1. Hi,
      Yes, he did mention that he was seemingly always under threats of various kinds, but this kind of fear is ironic. It's ironic because he would attack mystics for always "fearing the devil would snatch their souls", unlike initiates who he said ought to fear nothing, yet in his own life, he was ever fearful of "satanic sorcerers"...

      Another thing is that, he justified his susceptibility to harm by referencing Abrahamic prophets suffering the same, yet this just shows that he was imbalanced. For instance, if you know how to fight and have developed your mind and body, then even if you are attacked, you are better equipped to deal with the attack than someone that is frail. It is the same in the subtle domain, if one's subtle expression is spiritualized via nadi-shuddhi, then any attacks thrown within that domain ought to be mitigated if not fully neutralized. There are zero examples of Tantrikas succumbing to any forms of hostilities, even in their sojourns to hell-realms, since Universal Man within the cosmos dominates all and none can harm him. Tailanga Swami for instance, was attacked multiple times by malefic influences, but each time they failed and were destroyed, zero harm came to him and he lived to be around 280-300 years old (~1588-1888), by different accounts. Could this not be, due to a difference in outlook, in that the Tantra does not discourage a controlled and developed expression of prana-vayu, whereas other traditional forms, do?

      Anyways, I can only encourage you to look deeper into these things and to not be afraid to think, with a sincere desire to find out the truth for yourself.


End Year Interlude

  Due to lack of time, the articles that were to be published this year will have to be pushed into next year. However, there are still a fe...