End Year Interlude


Due to lack of time, the articles that were to be published this year will have to be pushed into next year. However, there are still a few things that can be said to the serious readers of these articles and of the works of R.G. It should also be noted that, however modest things may appear to be here, they are building up to something effective. This is not based on the production of a large quantity of discordant articles, but rather, on a particular attempt at finding people from around the world that possess the necessary aptitudes to realize what has been written here (and also by others like R.G.) to varying degrees. Things are purposeful and intentional along that line. Though, it should not be thought that this is the only action along that line currently and in the future. This is merely akin to one of many rays of light, shooting outwards from and into the darkness, prodding here and there, seeing how the environment will react to it...

I believe enough time has passed to grant these serious readers the occasion to assimilate whatever has been written herein. I obviously have absolutely no interest in those that are lurkers, of whatever variety, those that do not have the prerequisite aptitudes to understand these things, let alone practice them and in those that are extremely close-minded to possibilities that they were hitherto ignorant of. I also have no interest in those that are bigoted, which is to say, those that strangely wish to stand in the way of others, on account of their own biases, fears, insecurities and so on.

In light of what has just been said, some "house-cleaning" is in order, based on a few observations. These articles have somehow attracted tens of thousands of readers, with quite a number of them reaching out to me behind the scenes privately. Out of all these people, only a few truly catch my interest and they do not fall into any of these groups, starting with the lowest and ugliest:

- Racists of any kind, but especially nazi-types. Furthermore, those who have a strange attachment to this earth, by way of land, custom and general circumstantial ties to the profane. This is like a spirit that has fallen into the hylic world almost incurably and is weighed down by it, unable to rid itself of the many conditions that restrain it therein (a pashu, basically). Only those that wish to genuinely ascend interest me.

- Academics, who in the end are mere dupes of the counter-initiates at this juncture, serving only as instruments to pollute the earth with all sorts of chaotic and false ideas.

- Those for whom this or that tradition has become an impediment that thus renders them incapable of exploring possibilities that lay beyond its restrictions.

For a more detailed description of the types of people that are relevant and those that are not, when it comes to these affairs, see this article. Some may wonder why I'd even take the time to talk about such matters, which are somewhat embarrassing, since the type of person that's connected to these things ought to be above them all. I shouldn't have to bring it up. It is, however, because such petty things can end up becoming significant problems in the future and thus it is better to nip them all in the bud. 

As for those that have the necessary qualifications, those that are worth investing in, they must understand that the tasks ahead will not be light. They will require an unremitting commitment, patience and a heroic persistence in order to yield any significant results. If you want to get great results, then you must invoke great discipline. Besides is this not true for any affair one wishes to undertake? All of this will not be fruitless, since as can be seen from the quality of these articles (especially the most recent one) we are dealing with the greatest things in the universe, in any world, among any type of beings. Things that are unparalleled and ultimately irresistible. The people to whom this is addressed must also understand that it is a task for them to carry (whether or not they do it independently of this place) and no one else's, since in the end, the burden of distinction, lies with the distinguished.

End Year Interlude

  Due to lack of time, the articles that were to be published this year will have to be pushed into next year. However, there are still a fe...